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The Searchlist Control - MultiSelect property Empty The Searchlist Control - MultiSelect property

Fri 31 Jan 2020 - 10:52
Original post 14/06/2010 Mike Vaughan (Thompsons)

" I have a searchlist control (schAssociate) on a wizard and I would like to programmatically control if MultiSelect is allowed or not. Here is the C#
FWBS.OMS.UI.Windows.ucSearchControl s = EnquiryForm.GetControl(“schAssociate”) as FWBS.OMS.UI.Windows.ucSearchControl;if(multiselect)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(“Multi”); s.MultiSelect = TriState.True; s.Update();
{ System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(“no multi”);
s.MultiSelect = TriState.False; s.Update();
A boolean parameter (multiselect) is passed into the Wizard to control this. Even though the Multiselect is set to TriState.False it still allows me to select multiple rows. Am I doing something wrong in the code?
The searchlist itself (udSchAssocList) has MultiSelect set to True. thanks"

Response by Danny Thompson
" Hi, The MultiSelect must be set before you load a SearchList.
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